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My Story

Inez has 30 years experience working with people to heal consciousness and realign inner levels of energy through the power of forgiveness. She has helped thousands of people around the world rediscover self-acceptance and inner freedom through releasing inner consciousness blocks.

She is a Peace Theological Seminary (PTS) facilitator and has facilitated a wide range of PTS workshops including the Master of Spiritual Science (MSS), Travelers Through the Ages programs and numerous other workshops.

Dr. Bishop has a BA in Psychology from Rowan College, a Doctor of Chiropractic from Sherman College of Chiropractic, and a Master of Spiritual Science from the Peace Theological Seminary. She has completed her Doctor of Spiritual Science coursework and attended numerous programs offered by University of Santa Monica and Insight Seminars.

Inez was ordained as a Minister in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness in 1979.

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